Let’s fix the real housing problems in South Lake Tahoe

Creating new taxes for hard-working homeowners in South Lake Tahoe will not fix the housing issues. So let’s look at the real problems facing our community and find common sense solutions that benefit everyone.

Instead of taxing homeowners for their hard work, we should find ways of bringing them back to South Lake more often, to spend more, and to respectfully enjoy this wonderful place. Community involves everyone.

What a vacancy tax means for Tahoe homeowners

A group known as “Locals for Affordable Housing”, spearheaded by Amelia Richmond, is pushing a 2024 ballot measure targeting homeowners in South Lake Tahoe who use their homes for less than 180 days a year. Under this measure, all homes in South Lake Tahoe, including family cabins passed down from generations would be subjected to a $6,000 fine if they do not rent to a local.

Forced Home Rentals

For those who are unable to pay the fine, homeowners would be forced to rent their homes to locals. When a renter damages, destroys or fails to pay rent, there will be no consequences. Homeowners will be solely responsible.

Intrusive Local Government Survalance

The text of this measure also calls for full-time staff in South Lake Tahoe to be tasked with monitoring all homes to ensure occupancy.

No Tax Oversight

The bill’s text allocates all newly collected taxes to a general fund with no constraints. Not one penny is actually earmarked for housing solutions.

Further diving the community

This toxic ballot measure has already divided the community healing from the tourism hardships caused by the pandemic, Caldor fire, and winter of 2022/23.

Applies to everyone

This measure will apply to everyone, not just “rich bay area techies with snow chalets getaways”. Seniors, who may spend the winter elsewhere, will also be subjected to this tax.

Increases rental prices for locals

If a home is on the market for over six months without a tenant, the tax will be applied and passed down to local tenants.